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Loker IT Security Administrator  Di Doku – Jakarta Selatan

PT Nusa Satu Inti Artha

Payments Service

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

  • 1. Can manage various security devices such as WAF, firewall, IPS, IDS, Antivirus, SIEM, SOAR and other security tools
  • 2. Manage security devices both on premise and cloud
  • 3. Configure security devices in accordance with security standards and security best practices
  • 4. Subscribe or have a source of the latest information about vulnerabilities
  • 5. Carry out maintenance and troubleshoot security devices
  • 6. Know the PCI DSS and ISO 27001 framework standards
  • 7. Follow up on findings of vulnerabilities in security devices
  • 8. Must document all work processes in detail.

Kualifikasi Minimum

  • 1. Minimum 3 years experience
  • 2. Demonstrate good communication and etiquette skills
  • 3. As the owner/admin of the security device
  • 4. Have the ability to configure security devices (Firewall, IPS, WAF, Antivirus, and other Security Tools) both on-premises and in the Cloud
  • 5. Have an understanding of security device technology
  • 6. Have security device certification (firewall, antivirus, WAF)
  • 7. Able to document reports and work details in detail
  • 8. Able to provide information security warnings

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